دانلود فیلم Rest Stop: Don't Look Back 2008 با زیرنویس فارسی چسبیده
جزئیات فیلم Rest Stop: Don't Look Back
فیلم Rest Stop: Don't Look Back محصول سال 2008 کشور ایالات متحده آمریکا است.
این فیلم توانست پس از انتشار در تاریخ 2008 در وبسایت IMDB امتیاز 4.6 از 10 را از میانگین رای های 4,235 کاربر در ژانر دلهره آور و وحشت بدست آورد
چکیده ماجرا
توقفگاه عجیب غریب و گمنامی بین جاده های تگزاس و لس آنجلس وجود دارد که ۲ جوان که از شهر خود فرار کرده اند تا به شهر دیگری بروند و زندگی کنند، اما...
The corporal Tom Hilts returns from overseas to his hometown Argyle, Texas, for a ten days leave with the intention to seek our his brother Jess, who disappeared one year ago while heading to California with his girl-friend Nicole. He travels in his truck with his girlfriend Marilyn and followed by his friend Jared in his old car to California trying to track his brother. While in the old highway California, Jared needs to stop his car in an old rest stop to go to the toilet and is attacked by the driver of a yellow truck. Meanwhile Tom and Marilyn wait for him in the next rest stop where Tom is also attacked and kidnapped by the driver of the yellow truck. Marilyn sees the ghost of Nicole in the restroom and realizes that they are facing supernatural evil forces. —Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
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