دانلود فیلم The Godfather 1972 با زیرنویس فارسی چسبیده

جزئیات فیلم The Godfather
فیلم The Godfather محصول سال 1972 کشور ایالات متحده آمریکا است.
این فیلم توانست پس از انتشار در تاریخ 1972 در وبسایت IMDB امتیاز 9.2 از 10 را از میانگین رای های 1,781,723 کاربر در ژانر درام و جنایی بدست آورد

چکیده ماجرا
رهبر سالخورده یک خاندان جنایی سازمان یافته، کنترل تشکیلات سری خود را به پسر روی گردان از خودش منتقل می کند.
The Godfather "Don" Vito Corleone is the head of the Corleone mafia family in New York. He is at the event of his daughter's wedding. Michael, Vito's youngest son and a decorated WW II Marine is also present at the wedding. Michael seems to be uninterested in being a part of the family business. Vito is a powerful man, and is kind to all those who give him respect but is ruthless against those who do not. But when a powerful and treacherous rival wants to sell drugs and needs the Don's influence for the same, Vito refuses to do it. What follows is a clash between Vito's fading old values and the new ways which may cause Michael to do the thing he was most reluctant in doing and wage a mob war against all the other mafia families which could tear the Corleone family apart. —srijanarora-152-448595
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